Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Comments on week 9 readings....

This week's readings were Marek Wieczorek "The Smart Gene" and various articles from "Art Journal". The Marek Wieczorek reading was focusing on the apparition of the DNA technology. He discusses what it is, how it works and what is being done with now a days. A part that I felt what interesting was the section dedicated to Joe Davis and Dana Boyd in their 1989 "Microvenus Project" This project showed that genes could be used as info carriers and will adopt the name of infogene. It was funny to read the NASA censorship paragraph on the inage of the men and woman on the pioneer F Plaque. Marek tells us how the NASA showed an image of a man and woman well groom in the western world way, with barely any body hair. This image, which is meant to be a message reflecting our civilization to eventual extra-terrestrial forms of lives only represents a part of the human world.....I guess it is not the first time America demonstrates its egoestical attitude. Let's just hope that this "Voyager" machine does NOT run into an extremely dangerous and stupid form of life which will come to us and kill everything that does not look like the people on the picture, thinking they are not part of the intelligence that created the machine.


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