Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Comments on week 6 readings

okay. The readings this week were I felt much more interesting and easy to read.
The first text, by Edward A. Shanken : "Tele-Agency: Telematics, Telerobotics, & the Art of Meaning" was discussing the origins of telematics and the origins of its integration in the art world. We learn that the term was coined by Nora and Minc in a report to the French President of that time (late 70s) Valérie Giscard D'estaing. They inform the president on the future great impact that the new technologies introduced to the masses will have. Shanken follows by giving pertinent examples of telematic art; one that I found interesting was the project undertaken by Kac and Nacamura, which consisted of (very basically) make a bird and a plant in another country communicate!
Shanken introduces key concepts such as active/passive and active/active agencies, which relate to the interaction between humans and the machines. We discusses some interesting ethical questions on the behaviors of humans towards their new slaves.
The second text was my favorite. "The challenges of wearable computing (part 1)" is an online article divided in two parts. The first one is about the author's ideas of what the wearable computing will allow us to do, and the second one is focusing on the restrictions that such technologies will have to have a success. The author sees this technology as an utopian way of living. The human and his machine will form one, depending on one another without disturbing too much the life, habits, of the other. He says : " The cpu must share the experiences of the user's life" in order to reason like him. Even though he writes the way I like, and is easy to follow, he sounds a little crazy sometimes. he does say smart things like the inevitability of the regrouping of all the electronic devices we carry in order to reduce redundancy, but this makes us more dependent on one object and vulnerable to bad situations. As i said earlier, he talks of the upcoming technologies as a path to the utopian way of living; it looks to me as a trap, we are being sold fake freedom and we enslave ourselves in problems. The example he gives with the billboard advertising jeans conversing with the wearable about my wardrobe was too much! This definetly shows how we have given total power and control of our lives, whatever control you have left make you believe, to the machines and technological advances.
The technical difficulties he discusses are the following two. The power supply and autonomy, and the head dissipation. he proposes some smart alternatives, but mostly theories with products and materials that don't exist.

http://l3sys.eskimo.net/wristpc/ - Wrist keyboard
http://www.electronicshadow.com/mediacol/veste/ - Echarpe


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